Membership Services
Membership Services
The purpose of the Membership is to provide members with opportunities, updates and access to the Chinese market.
As a CENTI member, you can have free access to our community activities and various opportunities. This means you could participate in:
- Events - CENTI hosts regular events in Europe and China
- Accelerator/Incubator programmes
- Membership Newsletter
- Advisory service
Discover your Membership benefits
Participation in our regular community events every month for networking opportunities
Participation in CENTI China Roadshow, chances to bring their project back to China for pitching and exhibiting
(travel reimbursement + free entry tickets)
Receivership of member-only newsletters (subscriptions are managed on an individual basis) to have Business insight of China
Participation in CENTI member meetings and getting access to Chinese investors and funds
Chances of 2 hours 1-0-1 advisory meeting each month our experts and mentors
Access to our corporate partners. Participation in our special interest groups