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Tech Japan Advocates membership is open to anyone, and the group has no joining or membership fees… Advocates invite Advocates, and many Advocates will lead the Working Groups and facilitate introductions and mentoring. Once you have been introduced to Tech Japan Advocates, you will officially become an Advocate (or Member). This will entitle you to access to existing Advocates in Japan and over 12,000 Advocates worldwide, attend Tech London Advocates events and participate in Tech Japan Advocates Working Groups. You will also be listed as a TJA Member in the Tech Japan Advocates’ website (please let us know if you prefer not to be listed). To join the group, you will be introduced to one of the Founding Members of Tech Japan Advocates, either via email or in person. Then, you will be briefed on the purpose, goals and various activities and benefits of Tech Japan Advocates to you.
There is no time commitment or minimum engagement required to being an Advocate; you can participate in and engage with the group as much or as little as you like. There are however three requests for each member, irrespective of their level of engagement:
To communicate consistently about the importance of the tech sector in Japan (Tech Japan Advocates messaging is provided on the website and in monthly email updates)
When you are ready, help expand the Tech Japan Advocates network by introducing others into the TJA community; and,
Help other GTA members for the ‘greater good’ as a means of creating together a strong and vibrant technology sector.
If you are not yet a Tech Japan Advocate and would like to be so, please contact Tadashi Tamura at tamura@techjapan-advocates.org or another Tech Japan Advocate member, who will gladly nominate you for membership.