How Daimler is Dealing with Challenges and Disruptive Innovation Confronting the Automotive Industry
STRATEGY | CHANGE MANAGEMENT | ARTICLE This article is part of an ongoing series that describes the concept of ‘’CHANGE MANAGEMENT &...
How Daimler is Dealing with Challenges and Disruptive Innovation Confronting the Automotive Industry
CENTI launched Sino-French Smart City Innovation Center with Shenzhen Smart City Group and Dassault
CENTI Event Review: Luqiao, China - Belgium Overseas Incubator High-Level Overseas Talent Roadshow
CENTI is delighted to announce the partnership with ChinaEU to boost China-Europe business ties
Getting comprehensive overseas talent support from Dalian Hi Tech Zone - OSE Plan
CENTI’s New Strategic Partner: CIMC Low Orbit Satellite IoT Industrial Park
CHINAOCS, a carrier for Dalian City to introduce advanced innovation talents for 20 years
Tackle COVID-19 together, CENTI is here to help - Medical supplies Donation to UCLH